
What we do

What we do

Influence Practice: We identify and support the work of funding agencies and philanthropists in Africa. We particularly seek to connect with and support local/Africa led philanthropy. We provide grant management and advisory services on context and strategy, that includes but is not limited to:

  • Provide periodic updates on the socio-economic and political issues and trends in a given country, including specific information on the situation of civil society/social organizing

  • Keep abreast with the local funding scene and network with donors on areas of mutual interest

  • Regarding grant management, undertake the administrative tasks required to ensure effective financial management, reporting and program implementation in adherence to generally accepted standards, as well as specific requirements of individual funders, where required.

  • Conduct site visits to grantees and the communities in which they work, and ensure that grantees report in a timely manner. We also provide independent assessments of activity and financial reports.

  • Where necessary, we mediate and/or facilitate conversations between funders and organizations in order to promote more equal and mutually beneficial relationships

Strengthen effectiveness of CSOs: We support local organizations and organizers to capitalize on their strengths to reach their full potential. This includes but is not limited to the following specific activities:

  • Connect those we work with to organizational development experts and/or coaches who support and/or strengthen effectiveness.

  • Conduct organizational capacity assessments to understand organizational health and support the process of identifying capacity areas and required interventions.

  • Identify and nurture upcoming organizations and organizers

  • Provide opportunities for organizations to learn from each other through processes that facilitate peer learning and mutual support.

Shape narrative: We are ambassadors of stories of change, told in ways that empower and sustain flourishing communities. This includes but is not limited to the following specific activities:

  • Equip story tellers with skills and tools to capture and tell stories in creative ways that capture people’s attention and stimulate discussion.

  • Provide platforms to share stories of change through our various networks, active and robust forms of media.

  • Working with young people and social justice artists to tell stories of change in their communities using various forms and channels for creative communication and expression.